Being missional

Jesus has given us a mission to accomplish: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with …

A life worthy of the gospel of Christ!

Paul exhorts the Philippian church to live a life worthy of the gospel of Christ in Philippians 1:27-30. We see a similar exhortation in Ephesians 4:1-3. We may easily conclude that a life worthy of the gospel of Christ may mean that we live a life of holiness. While we must live holy lives and be Christ like, Paul is …

Why you need Jesus

The real true God created mankind. He created mankind in his own image. Man was to reflect the goodness and holiness of God. Man was created to rule over earth with this God given authority and thus bring glory to God. However, Man sinned against God. Sinning is doing something that is against the person and will of God. God …

The Focus is on Him

Worship is an attitude. Worship is a lifestyle. Worship is what we have been created for. Worship is what we ought to do, NOT because it is our duty but it should spring out of our love for the LORD. It is our response to HIM. Worship is our reaction to who GOD is and what he has done. Worship …

To live is Christ, and to die is gain

The author of the epistle to the Philippians, Paul, was a prisoner in a roman jail. God uses Paul in this condition to inspire him to pen this letter. While the circumstances of Paul are frustrating and sad, we see a very different tone in his letter. Philippians 1:19-26 shows us the mind that Paul is in concerning his circumstance. Paul …

When growth stops, decay begins

God has created such wonderful life forms – plants, animals and man the supreme creation. Each type of creation is distinct. Yet, one thing is true about all kinds – when growth stops, decay begins. We see that in every day life. We grow from infancy to toddlers to young children to adolescents to youth to adults. Then suddenly we …

Rejection that brought communion

The message of Christ was a message that was bound to be rejected by people. Who he claimed to be was also bound to be rejected. The stuff that he came to accomplish and what he spoke about was bound to be rejected. When he was born King Herod was after his life and this was just the start of …

The Advancement of the Gospel

Paul writes that his imprisonment served to advance the gospel in Philippians 1:12-18. How many of us look down on unfavorable situations? How many of us think that God has forsaken us when situations are unfavorable towards us. A sincere Christian presses on for the advancement of the gospel. No matter where, no matter how hard, no matter what the …

Paul’s prayer for the Philippians

Paul makes a beautiful prayer for the Philippians in his epistle to the Philippians [1:9-11]. Paul’s prayer is that (1) their love may abound more and more; (2) with knowledge and all discernment so that (3) you may approve what is excellent and (4) be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, (5) filled with the fruit of righteousness …

Will bring it to completion

Philippians 1:6 talks about Gods ability to bring to completion the work that he began in us. Paul writes this sentence with confidence. Paul has placed his full confidence in God concerning this truth. I thank God that he is the inspiration behind the words that Paul wrote. This means that God knows and wants us to be confident. It …