Arpan Patro
Deacons: Serving the unity of the Church
January 15, 2025A call to faithfulness
October 13, 2024Dangers in false teachings
October 6, 2024Dealing with sin in the church
August 5, 2024Gospel centric love
July 28, 2024The protoevangelium: The First Promise
July 26, 2024Paul’s defence
July 26, 2024God’s power in believers weakness
May 21, 2024Our God is our refuge
May 5, 2024Paul’s boasting for the gospel’s sake
April 21, 2024Paul’s foolish boasting!
April 14, 2024The Suffering Servant
March 24, 2024Who is Jesus: The giver of Eternal Life
February 11, 2024Who is Jesus: Word became flesh
February 11, 2024A cheerful giver
January 19, 2024Giving and the gospel
January 16, 2024God at work in the church
September 2, 2023Make God’s Glory Known
July 31, 2023Holiness in the Church
July 31, 2023Gospel attitudes in the church
July 31, 2023Ministry of reconciliation
July 31, 2023Walk by faith and not by sight
July 31, 2023Treasures in jars of clay
July 2, 2023The Lord’s Supper
June 18, 2023The Glory of Christ
April 23, 2023The two Covenants
April 16, 2023The prophecy about Jesus
March 19, 2023The aroma of Christ
February 27, 2023Church Discipline
February 13, 2023Godly concerns in godly relationships
February 13, 2023The God of all comfort
February 13, 2023The two invitations
February 13, 2023Walking with Jesus in your 24*7
February 13, 2023Messiah’s Exaltation
February 13, 2023Promise Fulfilled
February 13, 2023Persuasion of Wisdom
October 11, 2022Wisdom and the Attraction to Deception -2
October 11, 2022Wisdom and the Attraction to Deception – 1
August 28, 2022Walking in Wisdom
August 28, 2022Love wisdom , Love life
August 28, 2022Hold Fast to Wisdom
August 28, 2022The blessings of a Covenant Life with God
July 10, 2022I Am The True Vine
June 12, 2022What Does It Mean To Be Wise?
June 12, 2022Beware! – The Enticement Of Sinners
June 12, 2022I am the Bread of Life
April 5, 2022I am the Light of the world
April 5, 2022Will God ever disown me?
October 18, 2021Am I Really A Christian?
October 18, 2021Laws of Worship Prefiguring Christ
July 5, 2020Eating for the Glory of God
June 7, 2020Serving in God’s way
February 23, 2020How God deals with sin
January 26, 2020A Christian’s response to suffering
December 29, 2019The light of men
December 1, 2019Patience in suffering
November 3, 2019Risks to True Humility
October 6, 2019Warning against worldliness
September 8, 2019True wisdom brings peace
August 11, 2019The tongue – heart connection
July 14, 2019Is your faith dead or alive?
June 16, 2019The violation of discrimination
May 19, 2019Jesus proves He is Risen
April 21, 2019Jesus interprets scripture
April 14, 2019Jesus’ Last Supper
March 24, 2019Obedience: Hearing and doing the word
February 24, 2019The Uncanny Opportunity for Spiritual Maturity
February 3, 2019The conclusion of the matter
December 30, 2018The great Transformation – Why we need a saviour? Part 1
December 2, 2018Wisdom Matters
November 4, 2018Simple truth often ignored
October 7, 2018Living wisely in a paradoxical world
August 12, 2018Living in reality! Learning from adversity!!
July 15, 2018Sweet sleep of contentment
June 17, 2018Be careful little mouth what you speak
May 20, 2018Relationships are not for gain
April 22, 2018Finding meaning in the routine of life
March 18, 2018Wisdom, Pleasure and Toil
February 25, 2018Living well the breath called Life
January 28, 2018The Word became Flesh
December 24, 2017Wrath
October 29, 2017Envy
October 22, 2017Pride
October 15, 2017The ministry of mercy and the Grand mission
September 3, 2017The motivation in showing mercy
August 27, 2017The obligation to show mercy
August 20, 2017The Nature of God and His People
August 13, 2017Palm Sunday 2017
April 9, 2017Matthew: Parables of the kingdom – Part 3
December 11, 2016The Heart needs to change- Part3
November 20, 2016The Heart needs to change- Part2
November 13, 2016The Heart needs to change- Part1
November 6, 2016Matthew: The kingdom of God-Part2
October 16, 2016Matthew: The kingdom of God-Part1
October 9, 2016Philippians 3 :7-11
September 4, 2016Building a missional community – Part 3
July 31, 2016Matthew: Prophecy Fulfilled – Part3
May 22, 2016Matthew: Prophecy Fulfilled – Part2
May 15, 2016Matthew: Prophecy Fulfilled – Part1
May 8, 2016The Role of Marriage in the Church
March 27, 2016Role of intimacy in Gospel centered Marriage
March 20, 2016Gospel’s Role in Marriage
March 13, 2016God’s Purpose and Design in marriage
March 6, 2016Joel 3
October 25, 2015Joel 2
October 18, 2015Joel 1
October 11, 2015The New Jerusalem – Eden at last!
May 31, 2015Ministry in the Church
May 24, 2015A total of 118 sermons available since April 12, 2015